Why Is My Dog’s Nose Dry?
Some of us pet owners might be classified as helicopter pet-parents. We hover caringly over our dogs, like a buzzing chopper, just in case of any odd behavior or issue. So, if you’ve ever noticed the moisture of your dog’s nose, you’ve likely been curious about what it tells you regarding his health.
Training Games to Stimulate Your Dog’s Sense of Smell
Playing training games to stimulate your dog’s sense of smell isn’t just a way to teach him useful new tricks, it’s also a fun way to switch things up!
7 Disease-Fighting Antioxidants For Dogs
Oxidative stress weakens your dog’s immune system, increasing the risk of chronic disease. Here are 5 disease-fighting antioxidants for dogs that can help him stay healthy.
8 Potential Dangers of Homemade Dog Foods
Here are the 8 common homemade dog food dangers to watch out for and what you can do to keep these meals much safer for your pooch.
Why The Best SPFs Come From Asia
The best sunscreens for people who hate the sun.
Winter Allergies in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Winter allergies in dogs are just as expected and may result in itchy skin, dull coat, and breathing difficulties for dogs. Here’s what you can do to ease your pet’s discomfort.
25 Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy
Looking for some easy ways to keep your dog happy? Here’s 25 ways to keep your dog happy, entertained and out of trouble. Fun indoor games can keep your
The Twins Named Most Beautiful In The World Are All Grown Up
When Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements were born in 2010, it was clear there was something special about them.